Once you have added learning objectives and quality measures to your course, you can tag them to your Pre and Post Test questions, and to any scored questions in your course.
To do this, go to a question page and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click the checkbox next to one or more of the learning objectives or quality measures to assign them to the question. Click Save at the top of the page.
Subject matter can also be assigned to your Pre and Post Test and scored questions.
Start by placing your cursor in the Subject Matter field box and begin typing a subject word that pertains to the question and commentary. Wait for the auto-complete drop-down to display subjects.
Select the appropriate entry from the drop-down and then click the Add to subject list button. To add additional subject matters to the question, repeat the process.
To remove a subject matter from the list, select it and click the Remove from subject list button. Click Save when you are finished.
After assigning subject matters, learning objectives and quality measures to your questions, you can review the tags using the Checklist/ Pre-Publish tool.